What is Pinterest, and why do more businesses need to be on it?

Unlike social media platforms that want you to stay on their platform, Pinterest WANTS to send searchers to your website!

Where it can be really tough to direct shoppers away from your social media page, and where you are often tethered by adding links to your website to send people away from your social media page, Pinterest WANTS you to link to your website, and it wants to send people there. 

There is a bit of an art to it, however. It's not just a case of "pin it and they will come", not at all. There are lots of little things that need to be done for it to work in your favour. Using the right keywords, the right kind of images, posting at the right time of day, and most importantly - posting REGULARLY are all important facets of a successful Pinterest Business account. And that can be fiddly when you don't know how to do it, or don't have the time in your day to complete it. 

There is a huge difference between Pinterest for fun and Pinterest for business

If you've had a look around Pinterest in the past, or used it to plan a holiday or your next craft project you might be thinking, "really, how hard can it be?" But like social media, there are little tweaks and know-hows that can be made to really get the most out of it for your business, and like social media, it is always changing. Different to social media though, is that Pinterest likes A LOT of content. Regular, fresh posts with new images (think more so than social media, 20+ posts a month, ideally) is what will keep you being seen. And that can be pretty hard to manage long term!

Luckily, Nota Bene has the strategy that will get this done.

With 445 MILLION monthly users in September 2022, Pinterest outranks Twitter, Reddit and Quora, and is behind Instagram, TikTok and Facebook, however it is easier to direct those 445 million users to your website than it is on these platforms, which is a huge benefit to you.

Whether you have Pinterest already, or this is a whole new ball game, get in touch to chat about how we can help expose your business to a whole new audience. 


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