Meet The Team

At Nota Bene we don't wear suits or use stuffy, fancy language (unless you want us to), but we love what we do, and we're very good at it. Social media and Pinterest are our zones of genius, and taking care of your online presence is our top priority, helping you be seen by the right people.

Meet Nikki

Hi! I'm Nikki, and Nota Bene is my baby. After years running small hobbyish businesses online, Nota Bene was "born" in 2020 (yep, covid business baby) and I'm so glad I took the jump!

The fact I get to create a business around the things I love - Pinterest, social media, creating fun images and writing is not lost on me! I love what I do, and I love helping you to be seen. 

I live in Tauranga with my hubby and 2 kids (12 and almost 15) and a crazy boxer called Alfred. 

In my downtime I love kayaking, paddle boarding, growing Dahlias and creating jewellery. 

Meet Kirsten

Kirsten joined the Nota Bene team in October 2023 and has gone from strength to strength, learning the ins and outs of each client and ensuring they always have quality content going out.

"I live in Cambridge New Zealand. I am married with two boys aged 13 and 15. I am a landscape artist and have been painting professionally for ten years. I mostly find my inspiration from places where I travel in and around NZ.

I have travelled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, and the Middle East but love spending time at home with my family, doing adventure races, painting, gardening, or a bit of social media.

Prior to painting, I worked in a Medical Laboratory as an Executive Assistant, and through my travels I worked in many banking and administrative roles."

Meet Susannah

Susannah joined us in early 2024 and is our chief admin person and also dabbles in a bit of social media as once she was onboard it was discovered she has quite a way with words! 

"I live in Rotorua, New Zealand with my husband and four beautiful daughters aged 2, 5, 8 and 10.

Before having children I owned a national award winning childcare business in Tauranga. As newlyweds, my husband and I relocated to Auckland as I was offered a position as a Regional Advisor for a nationwide NGO. While in Auckland I served as the Secretary for my local volunteer fire brigade.

In my spare time I enjoy gardening and dabbling in art and design and any medium that satisfies my creative outlet. I also love DIY and am slowly renovating our home. I have always had a keen interest in writing and editing and a couple of years ago a poem that I wrote went viral. I am currently working on writing a couple of children’s books."

Meet Maris

Marissa, or Maris, has been with the Nota Bene team since early 2023 and is our Global team member. Here's a bit about her 

"Hi, I am Maris, a young mom to my two lovely daughters, Zoe & Zea. I worked as an HR Assistant in one of the most famous events place in our town before becoming a writer for a Digital Marketing Agency based in Florida. My curiosity and eagerness have allowed me to discover the different things I could offer to other business owners.

It's an amazing and rollercoaster experience to learn social media management, content creation, graphic design, copywriting, and website designing all while staying at home taking care of my children.

And oh, I am a registered Psychometrician and Mental Health advocate too!"

Maris has been a huge help in getting the Nota Bene Pinterest account really firing and has using her excellent design skills on our Nota Bene content.


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