New Pinterest Accounts

If you're keen to jump on the Pinterest train, but you have no idea where to start, this is for you. This is also the way to go if you have a personal Pinterest account and you would like to keep it, we can create a whole new business account for you.

Need Help With Your Pinterest Strategy and Account Creation?

You know your business should be on Pinterest, and you've heard it could really help with gaining website traffic, but you've had a look, and the whole thing is an absolute minefield. Creating an account is one thing but what about the whole Pinterest Strategy? How do you get started?

Where do you start? There's so much to learn, and it's so different from the social media platforms you're used to.

Lucky for you, that's where Nota Bene comes in, with our Pinterest Management packages. In our first video call, we will chat about what it is you need from Pinterest and how we can work together to create it.

It can be overwhelming taking on a whole new platform, but Pinterest is one that almost all businesses could benefit from. 

If it's a chance to get your business seen by new eyes, then it's worth it, right?

Once you have had your video call with Nikki to plan out what it is you want to get out of Pinterest, we will put together a plan for you, complete with wording for your profile, boards, how to set everything up, and a comprehensive list of keywords. (Keywords on Pinterest are just like SEO - you need to be using current, relevant words in your pins.)

From there, we go away and put it all together for you. We create your account, ensure that you have full access, and then we create your beautiful, shiny new account complete with links to your website and social media, rich pins, and all the bells and whistles you need, create your pins and get the first 20 pins scheduled for you (we can tailor this to include more pins if you'd like). You also receive a guide on uploading new pins moving forward, and the best practice for this.

As with any new platform, it is important that you keep in mind you don't see results immediately. It takes time and momentum, and Pinterest is an account that requires regular new pins. Fresh pins are favoured over old ones, so the more often you pin, the more you will be seen. Once you are set up, our ongoing Pinterest Management package may be the one for you long term. 

 Price: From $997 + GST.

Got Questions?

We're here to help get you set up and showing your business to a whole new audience. Whether you just want a plan to implement yourself, you want us to set it up and you take over, or if you want us to do the whole shebang (recommended, ongoing Pinterest management takes a LOT of time!) then we'd love to have a chat. 

Get in touch and send us an email or book a call - we'd love to chat!


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