13 Industries that NEED to be on Pinterest

In the world of digital marketing, Pinterest often flies under the radar compared to the behemoths like Instagram and Facebook. But, Pinterest is an incredible visual search engine that can drive real results for businesses, especially in New Zealand. With its focus on discovery, inspiration, and long-lasting content (much longer than any Facebook post or even reel), it’s the perfect platform for many industries to showcase their products, services, and expertise. When people as us about it we say - don't think of it as ANOTHER social media platform. Think of it as a pretty Google - a visual search engine that wants to share your links and send people to your website, lead magnet, blog post etc. 

So here’s how 13 particular industries in New Zealand can use Pinterest to their advantage, lift their brand visibility, grow their customer base, and increase sales.

1. Coaches (life, business, relationships, fitness - pretty much all coaches)

Coaches in New Zealand NEED to get on Pinterest!! It offers an excellent opportunity to share infographics, tips, and success stories that show off your knowledge and expertise. No matter what kind of coach you are, Pinterest users are searching for the kinds of motivational content and actionable advice you provide. By pinning valuable content, you're showing that you're the coach they need, and you can turn those searches into inquiries.

2. Creatives (Artists, Designers, Photographers - all kinds!)

If you're a creative—whether an artist, designer, or photographer - Pinterest can act as your virtual portfolio. Pin and showcase your work, from digital illustrations to photography and design projects. Pinterest allows you to share your creative process, build a following, and attract clients or collaborators from across the globe. If your work is visually appealing, you’ll definitely want to be on Pinterest.

3. Online Service Providers (Virtual Assistants, Digital Marketers, Freelancers)

For online service providers in New Zealand, Pinterest can be a game-changer. By creating helpful blog posts, tutorials, or tips relevant to your industry, you can build trust and showcase your expertise. Virtual assistants, digital marketers, freelancers and many other online services  can attract clients by pinning high-value, searchable content that positions them as go-to professionals in their field.

4. Podcasters

Many people don’t think of Pinterest as a place for audio, but NZ podcasters can use it to promote episodes! By creating visually engaging pins that highlight quotes, episode summaries, or audio snippets, you can drive traffic to your podcast platforms. Pinterest users are often looking for fresh content, so this is a great way to tap into new listeners and grow your podcast audience.

5. Bloggers & Influencers

For Kiwi bloggers and influencers, Pinterest is a traffic goldmine. Each blog post can be turned into multiple pins with compelling visuals and headlines. As Pinterest content has a long lifespan, you’ll continue to see traffic to your blog weeks, months, or even years after your initial pin. Whether you blog about food, travel, or business tips, Pinterest can bring consistent traffic to your site. You can even link to your affiliate sites and grow your income that way! 

6. E-Commerce Brands

For e-commerce businesses in New Zealand, Pinterest is the ultimate online storefront. The platform’s Product Pins allow you to showcase your items with detailed images, descriptions, and direct links to purchase. Whether you're selling fashion, home goods, or artisanal products, Pinterest’s visually driven format is ideal for converting browsers into buyers.

7. Travel & Tourism Businesses

New Zealand is known worldwide for its stunning landscapes and rich culture, making it a dream destination for travelers. If you're in the travel or tourism industry, Pinterest is the perfect place to inspire future visitors. Create pins showcasing itineraries, hidden gems, and must-visit spots in Aotearoa. People use Pinterest to plan their trips, so you can directly influence their travel choices and bookings.

8. Real Estate Agents

Pinterest offers real estate agents a unique way to showcase properties, home-buying tips, and interior design ideas. By sharing visually stunning pins of homes for sale, renovation ideas, and home staging tips, you can attract buyers and sellers alike. The platform's long-lasting content makes it ideal for keeping your listings in front of potential buyers for longer periods.

9. Wedding Planners & Venues

Wedding planning is one of the most popular categories on Pinterest, and NZ wedding planners and venue owners should 100% have a presence on the platform. By sharing wedding inspiration boards, decor ideas, and examples from past weddings, you can attract engaged couples looking for help planning their big day. Pinterest is the perfect platform for showcasing your creativity and expertise in this highly visual industry.

10. Fitness Trainers

Fitness trainers in New Zealand can use Pinterest to promote their services by sharing workout routines, fitness challenges, and healthy living tips. As more people turn to Pinterest for health and fitness inspiration, trainers can build a community and attract clients who are eager to start their fitness journey. You can also post fitness equipment or nutrition guides to supplement your services.

11. Fashion Designers & Boutiques

Fashion is a huge category on Pinterest, making it a fantastic platform for New Zealand designers and boutiques. From runway collections to everyday outfits, you can share your unique designs and showcase your style. By creating pins that highlight the latest trends or styling tips, fashion-forward Kiwis and international audiences can discover your brand.

12. Home Decor & Interior Designers

Pinterest is a top destination for people searching for home decor and design inspiration. Interior designers and home decor brands in New Zealand can use this platform to display room makeovers, DIY projects, and decor tips. With Pinterest’s search-driven audience, your creative ideas could inspire people to hire you for their home projects.

13. Food & Beverage Businesses

Foodies are huge fans of Pinterest, making it the perfect platform for NZ cafes, restaurants, and food brands. If you’re in the food and beverage industry, you can post mouth-watering recipe pins, meal ideas, and behind-the-scenes looks at your process. Whether you're promoting your restaurant, products, or culinary creations, Pinterest can help you connect with local and global foodies.

Regardless of whether you fit in the above industries - if you want to reach a global audience, or potential global clients - Pinterest is where you need to be. It's so much easier to reach international prospects than it is on Facebook or Instagram. No matter your industry, Pinterest offers massive potential for businesses in New Zealand. With its visual appeal, search functionality, and long-lasting content, Pinterest allows you to connect with your audience in a unique and impactful way. By sharing inspiring, helpful, and visually stunning content, and using the right keywords, you can grow your brand, attract more clients, and expand your reach both locally and globally.

Ready to DIY it and get your business on Pinterest? Click here for our free Pinterest for Business - a Quick Start Guide.

Want to jump on a free 30 minute call with Nikki to see if Pinterest is right for you, and to learn more about our 3 month "Pinterest Practice" offer? Click here


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